Considering the price of crude oil and gasoline, oil production is clearly one of the most lucrative ventures for those involved. Thus, oil companies employ a variety of technologies in order to help them to produce as much oil as possible. Among such technologies are oil well data collection, oil production software, and oil well software. Clearly, since the earliest oil wells were drilled in fourth century China, oil well production has come a long way.
Oil well data is vital to the production of oil, especially considering that the fact that most oil is produced during what is called the production stage. Thus, it is essential that oil production companies consider all factors and collect oil well data as it is related to production. For instance, it is important to realize the crucial role of the natural pressure of oil and gas as it enters the subsurface reservoir, because it is here that the oil and gas flows to the surface. Fortunately, oil production companies have the luxury of technology that allows them to collect vital oil well data.
While modern oil wells got their start by men hammering a cable like tool into the earth, it has grown much more complex than that. As such, oil production companies are better able to drill deeper and more rapidly for oil by employing modern oil rigs. Of course, all of this would be virtually useless if companies were not able to collect valuable oil well data. Read more about this topic at this link: www.iwell.info